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By Geraldine TaylorPublished 7 years ago 3 min read

The song entitled "Imagine" explores the concept of going beyond previous limitations and past experiences. The presence of beliefs that are limited in nature or narrow perspectives are drawn closer to the light. Such a concept is applicable to all areas of life, including relationships, romance, career, education, personal development, finance, and more.

The underlying notion is the ability as well as the possibility of creating a new picture each day, upon the blank canvas of life. Whilst embracing newly created visions, an individual can recognise that their future is not limited by their past. Change is an all-embracing constant, which is as equally applicable to the varying facets of life. Life comprises ever-varying forms of energy, in every flicker of every moment, change is in natural occurrence. With changing seasons, vibrating particles, an expanding universe and ever-changing forms, change is within us as well as all around us.

It is equally about raising a personal level of consciousness pertaining to perceived illusions, that have lead to a number of individuals living by way of a limited experience, far below their true desires.

In the arena of romance, a person may have a vivid recollection of hurtful memories of unfaithfulness, rejection, abuse of the various forms or have experiences relating to mistrust. With such degrees of complexity, greater simplicity can be established when going to the root of unresolved matters. For merely clipping away at the visible branches does not get to the heart of the matter. Initially seeds would have been sown that need to be identified, so as to assist with discontinuing repeated patterns.

In light of the main concept, to imagine, in such an arena, may be imagining a wholesome relationship with a caring person who bears wholesome fruit, in spite of experiencing past relationships to the contrary. To imagine meeting a potential partner who has a genuine interest and recognises the priceless value in you, in spite of a history of rejection.

To take off the limits of the progress that can be made in your career, is also to appreciate the potential that can be maximised. To imagine possible career prospects even when limiting opinions from others, said otherwise. In this manner it is about removing the limiting beliefs of what you can become! Taking one's imagination beyond stereotypical viewpoints, pigeon holed boxes and limiting labels. There may be hidden gifts and abilities that have yet to come to light or be released unto the world.

It relates to the willingness to believe in the preconceived visions that are yet to be manifested. An individual who may have been inclined to think small, yet with a reestablished sense of intrinsic value and self worth, can make the decision to think big.

Individuals have inner gifts and abilities in the form of service, that can be duly exchanged for value. To "shake off" financial limitations is to comprehend personal usefulness and resourcefulness. To imagine the accomplishment of long-term financial goals, as a by-product of services rendered and to soar beyond a limited threshold.

For we may not be in a position to turn back the clocks or ease the past, yet experiences carry a weight of value that can always be learnt from. This journey of life is ever evolving, though time may be relative, there are always valuable lessons available to be learnt.

This song captures the essence of being open to new horizons and the exploration of new possibilities. As a songwriter, I am honoured to collaborate my works with both signed and unsigned artists, who are able to embrace the concepts within the songs, that are relatable to people's real life experiences as well as the ability to imagine!


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About the Creator

Geraldine Taylor

An author, poet spoken word artist, BMI songwriter, founder of Talented Showcase 1 and ambassador for Elite Fitness Apparel. Her songs have been performed by artists in the UK, USA and worldwide.

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