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Taemin is "Famous"

The K-Pop star comes back in signature style.

By SamPublished 5 years ago 4 min read
Look at how he stares into your soul...

It has never ceased to amaze me how incredible Taemin’s career is even solo from his group, SHINee. He manages to be part of a powerhouse group in K-Pop, while also establishing his own style. Taemin is a god of dance, sexy vibes, and seductive vocals. Every time he comes out with something new, you know you’ll get these elements in a stylish, atmospheric vibe. July 26th marked the latest comeback from Taemin, this time the title track for his upcoming Japanese mini album. This is Famous, and it’s Taemin at his best. I couldn’t stop myself from writing a short piece about it.

"Famous" isn’t too complex thematically; it’s about Taemin being famous. It’s the lyrics and tone of the words and how he sings them that make this so Taemin. He talks about his fame and knows that he’s dangerous and enchanting to the fans. I think my favorite part of this is, “On the white sheet, let’s make a rose blossom tonight.” How can you not blush hearing that! What I like is that though a lot of the song is Taemin singing about his status, it’s never comes off that he’s full of himself. To the contrary, he’s 100 percent correct. Taemin is irresistible.

I mean, this video starts with Taemin tied to the ceiling by his wrist while he eyes the camera, like he’s the predator in this situation. Even tied up, Taemin is a powerful creature. So begins the amazing visuals. Whether it’s Taemin simply dressed amid satin sheets or underwater shots of guns, the video is great to watch. They use glass and water really well to show reflections and distorted visuals that are disorienting in the best way possible. I also love the shots of an old car surrounded by burning crash dummies. It’s a tiny bit frightening but mesmerizing; just like Taemin. Probably my favorite shot in the whole video is when a shot of a line of blood fades into another shot of Taemin clasping a red ribbon taught between his hands. I’ve re-watched it one million times. Also, the lighting is dim and colorful, and it makes the dance both energetic and sensual.

This is exactly Taemin’s style, and it’s no wonder the video focuses mainly on the dance aspect of the song. Taemin includes all of his signature moves in new ways that makes his choreography stick in your head. There’s that little finger wiggle at the chorus, the dazzling footwork all throughout, and of course that saunter towards the camera that’s a staple to any Taemin video. It’s all so fluid. When he sings, repeating “drama” over and over, he and his back-up dancers do a smooth slide back and forth that you can’t help but watch on repeat. What really gets me in this video more than anything is the arm movements in this video. I love when he throws an arm in front of his face, covering all except his eyes, and shakes it in a controlled but animalistic way. I couldn’t stop watching his arms, and I definitely suggest paying attention to those moves above everything. Overall it’s an awesome dance performance. I’m a particular fan of the short dance transition before the final chorus; Taemin bends over, swings his arms and a leg, and suddenly pops up dressed in a sharp suit. I gasped the first time I saw it, to be honest. I hope they release a choreography version of the video where we just get to watch the dance uninterrupted. I’d watch that on repeat too.

That’s really all I have to say to sum up this review: "Famous" demands to be re-watched, and you can see that in every time Taemin’s eyes meet the camera. It’s almost like the camera isn’t there and it’s just you and him. I don’t think anyone in the music industry right now can fully match the power Taemin holds in a gaze. Taemin’s new mini album, Famous comes out August 4th, and I suggest you stay tuned for what else he has to offer. He’s a veteran of the K-Pop industry right now, and every new piece of music from him proves why he’s still one of the best.

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